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Crisis Leadership

Steering in crisis situation…from daily management to crisis leadership

Managing well on a day-to-day basis does not exclude being prepared to pilot or navigate when conditions become extraordinary, when we enter into uncertainty!

Each organization, each person, has its own limits. Even when they are pushed back, these limits once crossed correspond to a situation of crisis and uncertainty.

The crisis is characterized by the uncertainty it generates. This uncertainty in turn generates stress, and the brain questions its ability to overcome the ordeal. If the brain responds positively, the stress is motivating. If the brain responds negatively, the stress becomes paralyzing.
Optimism is therefore a quality of leaders facing such challenges. However, if this optimism turns into a kind of “Coué method” and seems artificial or unfounded, then the leadership is no longer able to win over the “troops”.

A crisis overwhelms the usual organization, upsets habits. It is a test for everyone, starting with the leadership, which must find its bearings and direction as quickly as possible.

This is why a specific organization and a methodology are necessary to lead in crisis situation, to navigate in uncertainty and to pilot the crisis. The HUMAN FACTOR is therefore essential in a crisis situation, as in many other situations.

Pearl proposes to assist you in your preparation before the crisis by co-constructing your specific organization, by providing you with a simple and pragmatic method and especially by preparing your crisis steering teams.

Because we are convinced that it is the HUMAN FACTOR and the COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE of your teams that will make the difference in any circumstances.

Pearl co-builds crisis management solutions with you.
By preparing the teams, training them, creating new reflexes, we participate to push back the limits of individual and collective stress.

We thus add strings to your bow.

And your day-to-day management, more confident, is also strengthened.
Being prepared is an investment in people, in the organization, in the future. Being prepared to manage in times of crisis is a responsible optimist.

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